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Lamentamos comunicar que la Asociación Hijos Que Esperan ha dejado de estar operativa.

Dejaremos este blog de momento porque hay mucha información y vídeos muy válidos para la gente que se quiera acercar a informarse sobre la adopción de niños con NNEE.

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viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

LWB Actualización de las gemelas Arco Iris

Dear Sponsor:

The "Rainbow Twins," Cai and Hong, are doing wonderful! They are now in the 6-7 pound range (remember--they both weighed right around a pound when they were born!) and are at Heartbridge in Beijing. There, they continue to thrive. The most recent pictures from China show two beautiful little girls who have come so far in the past few months.

LWB Actualización de Ming and Liang

Dear Sponsor:

Ming and Liang are doing wonderful and continue to thrive. As you can tell from the pictures, they have come a long way from the 2 pounds they each weighed at birth!

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